Borderless Money

Investindo no mundo

Você pode ganhar dinheiro e fazer a diferença.

Borderless Money é um protocolo financeiro descentralizado que redefine como os Investimentos Sociais são feitos, utilizando estratégias geradoras de rendimento e contribuindo para causas sociais.

Saiba como funciona

Seja bom, seja $BoM!

Ajudando você a ajudar o mundo.

Estamos criando um novo mundo. Vamos fazer isso juntos em 03 passos simples.

  • Saiba como

    Escolha uma das Iniciativas na categoria da ODS, deposite os ativos digitais para iniciar a geração de rendimento e compartilhe os lucros com uma causa de impacto social.

  • Planejar para

    Você decide quanto pode depositar, por quanto tempo e contribuir para um mundo com oportunidades mais justas para todos.

  • Envolva-se por

    Não se trata apenas de uma plataforma ReFi, trata-se de fazer uma mudança e projetar em conjunto um investimento de impacto. Você pode depositar, votar em uma causa e compartilhar com o mundo.


Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da ONU

Conheça as causas que estamos engajado

Ao votar em uma causa, você permite que ela comece a render. Aposte na confiança direta em projetos de qualidade.


Sabedoria da Floresta: Aprendendo com a Terra

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Desde 2015 trabalhando com sistemas agroflorestais e comunidades, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do setor agroflorestal em conjunto com os principais projetos e lideranças no Brasil.


Njombe Innovation Academy

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Tanzania, United Republic of
Mr. Pwagu caught the attention of Tanzania´s former president, Magufuli, thanks to his technological inventions. Magufuli assigned Buni hub the task to catalyse an innovation ecosystem around Mr. Pwagu and during Buni Hub´s visit to map Njombe´s actors SHIPO and Vahaca connected with Buni hub. A few months later Unai (SHIPO) and Ibrahim (VAHACA) got to know each other and decided to work together to develop Njombe´s innovation ecosystem together with Promise (Buni Hub). They then connected with SINA, shared the plans and decided to partner on the project. Read more:

Carbono X Pobreza

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Tenho 56 anos, sou ecologista e auto-didata. Nos últimos 12 anos pesquiso o bambu como material para a construção civil, após herdar uma floresta de 1,5ha da planta no Sul de Minas Gerais, bioma da Mata Atlântica.

GoodTruck Brasil

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Desde 2016 resgatando alimentos com alto potencial de desperdício e alimentando pessoas vulnerabilizadas.

Código Brazuca

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Minha história é promover a mudança social através da tecnologia, empreendedorismo e protagonismo nas pessoas de camadas menos faorecidas.


Arquitetura na Periferia

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Somos uma iniciativa sem fins lucrativos que reúne e capacita mulheres para a independência de reformar e construir a própria casa.


REGENERATING THE WORLD ( Climate change, agroforestry and ecosystem)

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Climate change is a fact, and it is widely acknowledged that the world is in the midst of a global warming crisis. Human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and land use change have released greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which is the primary driver of recent climate change. Land use such as agriculture alone, discharges more than 6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere each year. Because of the increased severity of climate change impacts in some areas, the consequences have been more severe and disastrous. In Uganda, Climate change is a serious problem, affecting livelihoods. The country experiences prolonged drought, short and erratic rains which are disastrous and affecting agricultural production the backbone of the country. Also, due to disparities in traditional roles, societal expectations, and livelihoods, men and women are affected differently by climate change. Women account for the bulk of Uganda's population of 23.19 million people. They have lower wages, less access to credit and decision-making power, and less control over resources, all of which make them more vulnerable to climate change. It’s therefore important to consider differences when tackling the issue of climate change. Agroforestry/permaculture/regenerative agriculture has emerged as a major instrument in the fight against climate change in recent years. It's a widely accepted answer to the twin problems of climate change and food insecurity. It's one of a number of innovative strategies targeted at increasing production while also assisting in the mitigation of climate change by increasing carbon sequestration and boosting the system's ability to cope with the negative consequences of climate change.This project aims to promote agroforestry/permaculture/regenerative agriculture for climate change mitigation and the development of vulnerable groups' livelihoods, such as women, by planting fruit trees alongside food crops Over the past decades wetlands are seen as wastelands yet wetlands play a crucial role as far regulating our climate system. Our climatic system is significantly regulated by wetland ecosystems. They serve as a large sink for greenhouse gases, trapping carbon and preventing it from entering the atmosphere, but they can also act as sources of some GHGs, particularly methane (CH4) when disturbed which increases climate change. Without neglecting the myriad ecosystem services they offer, wetlands protect against flooding, provide habitat for fish and shellfish reproduction and rearing, and support ecotourism, source of food like fish, cultural heritage and local herbs, to mention a few. We used to have two seasons for rainfall when I was growing up. But as a result of climate change, we now suffer unpredictable shorter or longer rainy seasons as well as severe droughts. Wetlands have been destroyed, bird and tree species have vanished, there have been extreme weather events in various parts of Uganda, as a result of the effects of climate change and environmental destruction, all of which are a result of human activity. The population of Tororo is above 577500 people, wetlands cover 11 percent of the total country land approximately26600km2 of Uganda’s total area of 241500km2 including water bodies Most of Tororo's largest wetlands, including Sengo and Osukuru, have been significantly encroached by farmers and investors. Wetlands are crucial, but despite their significance, they have been heavily encroached upon. In these streams that feed wetlands, industries discharge their pollutants. As a result of this contamination, the quality of the stream water has decreased or deteriorated. On the other hand, wetland habitats are impacted by this pollution, yet they also serve as a groundwater recharge for the springs and wells that the indigenous people use to get water for drinking and cooking. In some areas, the indigenous people fetch water directly from these wetlands. We can still restore the status of such places to create buffer zones where we can protect these wetlands and in doing so, we shall live a very beautiful environment for our children, the next generation that will come, just as we inherited a better environment from our ancestors.


ReFi Spring

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ReFi Spring is a nonprofit team working to enable global IRL ReFi events to create new communities in the ReFi ecosystem. We do this by providing free, accessible, full-range event support services and educational content, including:


Nossa Terra Firme

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Empresa acreana de sustentabilidade, inovação e WEB3 que existe a 6 anos.
Veja todas as causas para votarCrie uma causa

Queremos criar um novo mundo sem fronteiras para os investimentos sociais.

Você pode fazer a diferença nas iniciativas de impacto social mais afetadas por injustiças raciais, econômicas e ambientais com seu capital ocioso. Isto acontece porque a maior parte do rendimento gerado sobre seu capital ocioso vai diretamente para elas.
  • ReFi

    Finanças Regenerativas (ReFi) é um movimento em direção a um novo sistema econômico apoiado nas redes de blockchain que restaura o mundo, gerando mais recursos do que os que utiliza. Repensar, Restaurar, Repor.

  • DeFi

    Finanças Descentralizadas (DeFi) oferecem, ferramentas financeiras não custodiadas e de livre acesso. Isto significa que você controla seu capital, não uma empresa, não outra pessoa -- você.

  • Investimento Social

    Iniciativas ao redor do mundo que atuam vinculadas aos ODS se cadastrarem na Borderless Money e têm acesso a uma ferramenta que apoia a sua sustentabilidade econômica

Borderless Money

Uma sociedade digital aberta, sem fronteiras, com Borderless Money, onde os bens, serviços, tecnologia, informação, oportunidades e capital podem fluir através das fronteiras de um lado para muitos, de forma justa e transparente.

Finanças Regenerativas Não É Mais o Futuro - Chegou.

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Amber TecnologiaInspireIPMOBIUPRefi SpringStudio VirtualTres Ponto ZeroBlockchain Rio FestivalICoLab

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